Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Body Language DVDs Achieve # 1 spot on Amazon.

Body Language DVDs Achieve # 1 spot on Amazon.

Yes my 10 DVD set, Body Language - Secrets of Master Communicators, has achieved the number one spot on Amazon UK in less than 21 days from launch.

If you go searching on Amazon.co.uk for body language, then my DVDs now come up in the top spot for DVDs, that's competing against 86 other products !!!

I'm absolutely thrilled at this major achievement in such a short space of time, when I first launched they were listed 84 of 87 products and in only three weeks they are at number one.


That's just the DVD section, if you search body language you'll be offered more than 2,100 options and again my DVDs are ranked at 14, which is absolutely amazing I'm sure you'll agree.


As a special celebration I'm going to offer an "Amazon Achievement Discount" to anyone who to buy a set now.

Instead of paying £79.95 on Amazon, you can buy them for £69 including FREE postage anywhere in the world. 

But only if you pay the money direct to me through my Paypal account, otherwise Amazon takes fees. You can send money to me via Paypal address: robert@smartraining.com

That's all for now,


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